Research Council aims to promote and strengthen research ability & network between member universities in the consortium in the hope of buiding up a research community which further develop and nurture research values For the period of 2019 - 2021, Hasselt University (Belgium) is in charge of Research Council.
- Bilateral PhD Program
- Master Internship Program
- Researcher Mobility Program
- Establishment of research groups; Sharing of research material, laboratory;
- Co-supervision of doctoral students;
- Promotion of projects calling for cooperation (if any);
- Co-organization of international conferences;
- Establishment of scientific journals; sharing information to and inviting professors of Member Institutions to send papers to available journals of Member Institutions;
- Development of partnership in research between Member Institutions with other universities.
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Profile |
Contact Information |
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Prof. Ann Peters - Head of Council Director Research Coordination and Internationalization Hasselt University, Belgium Email: ann.peters@uhasselt.be Tel: 0032 112 68 041 |
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Prof. Ing. Petr Sáha, CSc. Vice-Rector for Research, Development and Creative Activities Tomas Bata University In Zlin, Czech Republic Email: vicerector-research@utb.cz Tel: +420 576 032 334 |
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Dr. Chun - Hsien Kuo Dean of Research and Development National Kaohsiung University Of Science And Technology Email: chkuo@nkust.edu.tw Tel: +8863814526#12700 |
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Prof. Dariusz Łydżba Vice - Rector for Cooperation Wroclaw University Of Science And Technology, Poland Email: prorektor.lydzba@pwr. Tel: +48 71 320 2730 |
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Dr. Nguyen Huu Khanh Nhan Director of Department for Management of Science and Technology Development (DEMASTED) Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam Email: nguyenhuukhanhnhan@tdtu.edu.vn Tel: +8428 37 755 037 |
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Prof. Ji-Youl RYU Director, Human Resources Development Group Pukyong National University, Korea Email: ryujy@pknu.ac.kr Tel: +82-10-3153-2740 |
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Prof. Mgr. Dr. Jana Kukutschova Vice - Rector for Research and Development VSB - Technical University Of Ostrava, Czech Republic Email: jana.kukutschova@vsb.cz Tel: +420 597 323 029. |
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Dr. David Mayntz Director Department of Research & Development University College Of Northern Denmark Email: dvm@ucn.dk Tel: +457 269 0327 |
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Mr. Siep Littooij Liaison & Collaborative Project Developer Saxion University of Applied Sciences Email: s.l.littooij@saxion.nl Tel: +(31) 63 012 4083 |
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Prof. Alessandro Baraldi Vice-Rector for Research University of Trieste Email: delegato.ricercadottorati@units.it Tel: +390405583373 |