V Mineral Engineering Conference (MEC 2020)
The Organizing Committee and the MEC 2020 Council, cordially invite to participate in the V Mineral Engineering Conference (MEC 2020). The conference will be held on September 23-25, 2020 in Lower Silesia region (SW Poland).
MEC conferences have become one of the most highly acclaimed meetings for science, research and industry representatives in the field of minerals engineering and extractive metallurgy. The MEC 2020 conference is organized for the fifth time and combines three conferences previously organized in Poland separately: 16th International Conference on 57th Symposium of Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Non-Ferrous Ore Processing (ICNOP), and 25th International Conference of Mineral Processing.
The organizer of MEC 2020 conference is the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Laboratory of Mineral Processing) in cooperation with AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals -Lukasiewicz Research Network in Gliwice, KGHM Cuprum Research Center in Wroclaw, and the KGHM Polska Miedź SA Company in Lubin.
Topics of interest:
- Comminution, classification and sorting,
- Froth flotation, technology and physicochemical aspects,
- Fine particle technology,
- Gravity concentration,
- Magnetic and electric separation,
- Hydro and biohydrometallurgy,
- Extractive metallurgy,
- Analytical techniques and applied mineralogy,
- Computer applications,
- Recycling and mineral wastes,
- Environmental aspects of mineral processing,
- Fundamentals of solid/liquid separation and other mineral processing related subjects.
The languages of the conference are English and Polish. Simultaneous translation during the sessions will be provided. More details about the program will be given within the next circular, which will be distributed in July 2020.
More information here.