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The Award Ceremony of Ton Duc Thang University Scientific Prize 2019

Ton Duc Thang Univeristy


The TDTU Prize was initiated by Ton Duc Thang University in 2016 and the first TDTU Prize was awarded in 2017. The TDTU Prize aims to recognize and honor the world's eminent scientists for their outstanding achievements and research which have been actively contributing to not only the development of science and technology for mankind but also benevolent activities in the service of people and society across the world.
The TDTU Prize is also one of the many efforts to promote the public image of Vietnam and TDTU in the international science arena.

Accepting submissions from 15 August 2018 to 30 May 2019, the TDTU Prize 2019 has received 90 applications from scientists in Egypt, Algeria, India, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Taiwan, Germany, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Malaysia, USA, Japan, Russia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Serbia, Turkey, Vietnam, and Italy.

The Appraisal Council of the TDTU Prize includes famous domestic and international scientists and scientific managers. The chairman of the Council is Professor Nguyen Van Tuan who is from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and the University of New South Wales (Australia), Vice President of the Science and Training Council, and also the Senior Advisor to TDTU’s President on scientific research. The Council has reviewed and proposed the winning scientists for 2019. There are 03 scientists eligible to win this prestigious award, including 01 German scientist, 01 Hong Kong scientist, and 01 Turkish scientist.

With the goal of becoming a global elite research university, TDTU always strives to expand and improve the quality of science and technology through many pioneering activities, such as the regulations on international magazine ranking, the appointment of professional title, the publication of 2 international magazines, owning 7 Patents granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and regularly hosting international conferences. The TDTU Prize is one of TDTU's efforts to contribute to quickly bringing the country's educational, scientific and technological activities to the international level. The TDTU Prize is held every 2 years and in odd-numbered calendar years.