UCI Leadership comprises of General Conference and Coordinating Board. The General Conference is the strategy maker and the highest decision-making body of the Consortium.
Dr. Tran Trong Dao, President of Ton Duc Thang University | |
Prof. Vladimír Sedlařík, Rector of Tomas Bata University in Zlín | |
Prof. Ching-Yu Yang, President of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology | |
Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs, Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology | |
Prof. dr. Bernard VANHEUSDEN, Rector of Hasselt University | |
Jang Young Soo, Ph.D, President of Pukyong National University | |
Prof. Václav Snášel, Rector of VSB - Technical University of Ostrava | |
Dr. Peter Møller Pedersen, Rector of University College of Northern Denmark | |
Ms. Anka Mulder, President of Saxion University of Applied Sciences | |
Prof. Roberto Di Lernada, Rector of University of Trieste |
The Coordinating Board: comprise the Vice presidents/Vice rectors for International Affairs of Member Institutions. The Coordinating Board is in charge of coordinating the implementation of agreements and decisions of the General Conference.
Dr. DINH Hoang Bach, Acting Director of International Cooperation, Research and Training Institute, Ton Duc Thang University | |
Assoc. Prof. Adriana Knapkova, Vice - Rector for Internal and External Relations, Tomas Bata University In Zlin | |
Prof. Rong - Fong Fung, Vice - President, National Kaohsiung University Of Science And Technology | |
Assoc. Prof. Moczko Andrzej, Director, Office of International Affairs, Wroclaw University Of Science And Technology | |
Prof. Jean - Michel Rigo, Vice - Rector Research and Internationalisation, Hasselt University | |
Prof. Young Jin KIM, Provost of International Affairs, Pukyong National University | |
JUDr., Dr., LL.M Michaela Vrazelova, Director of University International Office, VSB - Technical University Of Ostrava | |
Dr. Peter Moller Pedersen, Vice - Rector, University College Of Northern Denmark | |
Mr. Janco Bonnink, Director International Office, Saxion University of Applied Sciences | |
Prof. Roberto Di Lernada, Rector of University of Trieste |